In some suburbs, skeet shooing is legal. Or you could buy a Lead Tech virtual reality system, that might please the neighbors. A Long Island Enclave Where Skeet Shooting Is Legal, to the Surprise of Village Officials By JAMES BARRONFEB. 21, 2016 UPPER BROOKVILLE, N.Y. — The caller said he was thinking about buying a… Read More
Virtual Reality Shot Patterns Courtesy of Dr. AC Jones
Lead Tech’s virtual reality shotgun ballistics are based on empirical data from thousands of patterning boards. Thankfully, Dr. AC Jones did the groundwork for us, and assisted LeadTech in getting our down-range patterns right. All of Lead Tech’s simulations – the clay trajectories, the ballistics of the shot, and the patterns of the shot are… Read More
The Best Virtual Reality Sporting Clays
We video’d one of the 5 Stand ranges at the world famous National Shooting Complex in San Antonio. We used a drone, piloted by Prestige Aerial of San Antonio to get all trajectories and do the lat/lon on the machines for an accurate layout. The Unity 3D programmers will take that information, do the ballistics on them and calculate… Read More
LeadTech Granted 2nd Patent on Virtual Reality Shooting Simulator !
We have just received an “Issue Notification” on our patent application to use our patented representation of lead in Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality and Video Gaming applications. This 2nd patent is a continuation of the first one, which had 34 claims, and the 2nd patent describes and covers the use of the phantom clay technology,… Read More
Best Oculus Rift Shotgun Shooting Simulator – Draft Edition
This is a first draft– – (it takes a while to load) a 2D representation of our patent pending Unity 3D skeet shooting simulation that shows LeadTech’s patented method of representing lead with a “phantom” clay in front of the real clay. This looks a whole lot better with a an Oculus Rift headset on,… Read More
Visualizing the Future – The Science Behind Lead Tech
In displaying the phantom clay (not just the other clay), the Lead Tech user will be training themselves to anticipate where the clay is going by seeing its phantom moving ahead of it. This is by no means a new concept. One of the first people to articulate it was Nash Buckingham, the all-American footballer, sportsman, naturalist… Read More
The Road to Virtual Reality Shotgunning
Coming to a head near you next year. We have filed two continuation patents on our patented shotgun shooting system to put the simulator into Virtual Reality headsets. We have done all the graphics, leads etc. on skeet and are finishing trap. We are using a “avatar” over/ under shotgun and are testing the Oculus… Read More
VR Skeet Shooting Game Demo
A draft demo of the full scale projected version can be seen here. The actual system is a full scale projection – over 8 feet tall and over 15 feet wide. So the clay may look a bit small on your screen – but does not on the wall ! Note in the frame grab below, the… Read More
Oculus Rift Virtual Reality Skeet Shooting Station 6
Shown below is a pair at skeet station 6 in our patent pending virtual reality shotgun shooting trainer. High tower seems to be leaning a bit here, but won’t in a VR headset, where you can look straight up into the sky, down at the station pad, or behind you at the grizzly. Send your… Read More
Virtual Reality Skeet Shooting Station 1
Here’s a frame grab of skeet station 1 in Unity 3D virtual reality. This is a doubles, note the patented green phantom ahead of the orange clay indicating correct lead. As in the Flash version, the virtual reality version will enable the shooter to go to slow motion, freeze frame, etc. for training, diagnostics and practice.